Stock Rover gives you the ability to automatically receive Performance Report emails for your portfolios and watchlists.
You can choose whether receive Performance Report emails daily, weekly and/or monthly. You can also include all, or just selected portfolios in each Performance Report email.
A sample Performance Report email is shown below. To see an example of the entire email, click here.
You can configure whether, and how often to receive these Performance Report emails under your Account Settings under the Email Notifications tab. You can also select whether to include portfolios, watchlists or both. For more detail on account settings, please take a look the following help topic.
If you don’t want to include certain portfolios in the report email, they can be removed from the email by going to Portfolios in the Start Menu bar, then selecting the portfolio in the list and then selecting Modify Portfolio under the Portfolio Actions pane, then unchecking the “Include in Performance Emails” box seen in the screenshot below.