We are pleased to announce a new beta feature that allows investors to view a list of individual analysts that are following a specific stock, including their ratings and price target history.
This new information can be valuable for investors who want to understand the overall analyst sentiment on a stock or who want to identify stocks that are being closely monitored by analysts. And if there are specific analysts you consider to be especially respected, you can see what their ratings are for a stock and how they differ from other analyst ratings.
To view analysts ratings and price targets for a stock, select the Analysts tab in the Insight panel. The analysts’ details are displayed at the bottom of the panel. You can also click on “Scroll to Ratings Detail” for quick access.
You can filter and sort by right-clicking on the appropriate column heading or clicking on the pulldown next to the column heading. This helps your decision-making by providing a clearer and more organized view of analyst sentiment.
Sorting and filtering analyst data helps narrow your focus, enabling you to make well-informed investment decisions. Examples include:
Understanding Analyst Sentiment
Evaluating Price Target Trends
Comparing Analyst Opinions
The beta version of the Analyst Ratings Detail feature is now available for all Stock Rover users! We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to share your thoughts in the comments below.
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