Chartable: No
Unit: Percentage
12b-1 fees are part of the total expense ratio of a mutual fund and are used for advertising and marketing, including commissions to financial advisors.
Unit: Number
The weighted average style of the fund’s holdings based on Morningstars Style Box definition.
Unit: Percent
The weighted average Morningstar style box score for the fund. The style box score is encoded such that Large Cap holdings will score 1 for Value, 2 for Blend and 3 for Growth. Mid Cap holdings will score 4 for Value, 5 for Blend and 6 for Growth. Small Cap holdings will score 7 for Value, 8 for Blend and 9 for Growth.
The broad market index that serves as a comparison for the fund’s performance.
Unit: Name
The Morningstar category to which the ETF or Fund belongs.
The higher level group that this ETF or Fund’s category is part of with Morningstar’s classification.
A value of 1 indicates that this is an Enhanced Index Fund. Enhanced index funds attempt to better the index by adding value or reducing volatility with selective stock-picking.
The net annual fee that funds or ETFs charge their shareholders.
A value of 1 indicates that this is a fund that invests in other funds as opposed to building a portfolio of stocks.
Unit: Date
The date when top holdings were last updated.
The date when holding statistics were last updated.
A value of 1 indicates that this is an Index Fund.
A value of 1 indicates that the fund invests in municipal bonds that are insured against default by a private insurance company.
The firm that issues this fund.
A value of 1 indicates that this is a leveraged Fund.
A value of 1 indicates that the fund is geared toward investors of a certain age or with a specific time horizon.
The number of years that the fund manager has held their role.
A 1 to 5 star rating computed by Morningstar to measure measure risk-adjusted return relative to similar funds. The best performers receive a 5.
Unit: Millions of Dollars
The total asset base of the fund in millions of dollars USD.This metric is updated live when markets are open.
Unit: Dollars
Net Asset Value (NAV) is a the value of an ETF’s assets minus its liabilities, divided by the number of shares outstanding.
The number of long positions held by the fund.
The number of long stock positions held by the fund.
The number of bond positions held by the fund.
The net number of positions held by the fund after subtracting short positions.
A value of 1 indicates that the fund picks investments for non-economic reasons such as environmental responsibility, human rights, or religious views.
A value of 1 indicates that the fund tracks a benchmark but blurs the line between passive and active investing by using different method than market-capitalization-weighting.
The total market value of long positions held by the fund.
The percent of the funds value held in its largest ten holdings.
The percent of the fund’s holdings that have been replaced over a year. Low turnover ratios reduce costs and the capital gains on which shareholders pay taxes. Index funds can have turnover ratios of just a few percent but aggressive small cap funds and bond funds will have much higher turnovers.