- Indices [1]
- Commodities [2]
- Economy [3]
- Upcoming Economic Reports: [4]
- Earnings Calendar: [5]
DJIA: 24,831.20 (+2.34%)
NASDAQ: 7,403.00 (+2.68%)
S&P 500: 2,728.00 (+2.42%)
Gold: 1,319.40 (+0.26%)
Copper: 311.05 (+0.97%)
Crude Oil: 70.54 (+1.07%)
The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) Small Business Survey [6] for April found that 57% of their respondents were hiring or trying to hire, but 50% were unable to find qualified applicants. A lack of qualified workers was cited as their Single Most Important Business Problem by 22% of NFIB respondents, with especially large numbers of unfilled jobs in construction and manufacturing. The NFIB findings corresponded to the Job Openings and Labor Turnover [7] report, which found 6.55 million job openings in March and 5.425 million hires, leaving a gap of 1.125 million unfilled jobs. The largest increases in job openings were for professional and business services (+112,000), construction (+68,000), and transportation/warehousing/utilities (+37,000), while there were drops in job openings for manufacturing (-23,000) and finance (-10,000).
April’s wholesale prices [8] were up less than expected at +0.1% for services and unchanged for goods, with overall prices up +0.1%, and core prices, which exclude food and energy, up +0.2%. The yearly rate of wholesale inflation slowed from +3.0% to +2.6% for overall prices and from +2.7% to +2.3% for core prices. Service price increases were led by final demand trade services (+0.2%), which was largely based on a +0.9% increase in the price index for machinery, equipment, parts and supplies wholesale trade, and also included a +0.6% hike in transportation and warehousing services. For goods a -1.1% drop in food prices, with notable prices drops for eggs (-22.9%) and fresh vegetables (-17.8%), was offset by a +0.1% rise in energy prices and a +0.3% rise in the core prices.
Consumer prices [9] were also up less than expected in April, with a +0.2% overall increase and a +0.1% increase in core prices. On a yearly basis overall prices rose +2.5% vs +2.4% for March, as yearly costs increased +1.4% for food, +7.9% for energy, and 2.1% for core prices. In energy prices, gasoline was up +0.3% after a -4.9% decline in March, while electricity dropped -0.6% and natural gas dropped -0.4%. In the food category, meat prices were up +0.5%, with a -0.7% drop in pork prices helping to offset a +1.3% gain in beef and veal prices and a +7.1% increase in egg prices. Increases in core prices included shelter (+0.3%), personal care (+0.7%), and household furnishings (+0.5%), and decreases included used cars and trucks (-1.6%, largest decrease since March 2009), new vehicles (-0.5%), airline fares (-2.7%), and the first monthly decline in motor vehicle insurance (-0.2%) in the past 12 months.
Upcoming Economic Reports:
Tuesday May 15 – Retail Sales
Wednesday May 16 – Industrial Production
Earnings Calendar:
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Agilent Technologies (A) [10] |
Home Depot (HD) [11] |
Tencent Holdings (TCEHY) [12] |
Walmart (WMT) [13] |
AstraZeneca (AZN) [14] |
Invitation Homes (INVH) [15] |
Vodafone Group (VOD) [16] |
Cisco- Systems (CSCO) [17] |
Bayer (BAYRY) [18] |
Deere (DE) [19] |