Holdings Detail


The Holdings Detail section shows the contribution of the different holdings of the portfolio to overall portfolio return.

It will include any holdings you held during the period of reporting, not just the current holdings. With this section, it is easy to see which positions are punching above their weight and which positions have been creating the most drag on portfolio performance.

This section shows the holdings in the table at the top and Holdings Map in the bottom section.

The portfolios you’d like to see in the display are selected on the left, and the time period is selected at the top.

holding details


The Holdings Detail tab (shown below) lists all of the holdings across all of the selected portfolios with the following columns:

  • Starting value*
  • Change ($)
  • Inflows and Trade Appreciation
  • Ending value*
  • Income
  • Yield (%)
  • Appreciation ($)
  • Appreciation (%)
  • Return on Investment (ROI)
  • Period Rate of Return (IRR)
  • Annual Rate of Return (IRR)
  • Time Weighted Return (%)
  • Timing
  • Unrealized Gain at Start
  • Unrealized Gain at End
  • Realized Gain ($)
  • Value Change (%)
  • Percent of Start Value
  • Percent of End Value
  • Percent of total return

* The Start Value is calculated using the close price from the day prior to the Start Date of the reporting period. The Ending Value is calculated using the close price from the end date in the reporting period.

You can sort the holdings by any of these metrics by clicking the appropriate column header. You also have the option to include Closed Positions.

Hovering over a ticker symbol will display a tooltip with more information about that holding, as shown below. Right-click a column header to group by sector, industry, portfolio, tag, color or currency, or to get an explanation on any of the metrics.

holding details

Holdings Map

The Holdings Map displays a heat map of the selected portfolios. The heat map displays the portfolio tickers grouped by sector. The tiles are sized and colored based on what you have selected. The list below shows the different size and color configuration options for the Holdings Map.


  • End Value
  • Average Value
  • Change ($)
  • Total Gain/Loss ($)
  • Uniform
    • Color:

      • ROI %
      • IRR %
      • Total Gain %
      • Value Change %
        • As displayed in the screenshot below, hovering over a ticker symbol will display more information about that holding.

          holding details

          Clicking the arrow highlighted below allows you to collapse the Holdings Map panel so you have more room to view the table.

          holding details

Risk and Reward Monthly Returns