The Monthly Returns section shows your portfolios’ monthly returns.
The portfolios you’d like to see in the display are selected on the left, and the time period is selected at the top.
The heatmap helps identify seasonality patterns, trends, and differences in portfolio performance over time.
You can also include a benchmark, enabling you to easily see how your portfolio monthly returns compare to a specific market index or another benchmark of your choice.
A color gradient is used to highlight return values:
Below the heatmap display is the Portfolio Returns table, where each row displays a monthly return, the benchmark return for that month, and the performance comparison against the benchmark.
The Bar Chart displays two charts.
The first chart shows monthly portfolio returns – tracking performance trends over time.
The second chart shows the average monthly returns (seasonality) – highlighting recurring patterns and trends in portfolio performance across the different months.
When you hover over a bar in the bar chart, a tooltip appears displaying detailed information for that specific bar.