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Stock Rover Overview
Current Version: V10.0
Stock Rover is a comprehensive investment research platform that runs in your Internet browser. Stock Rover provides detailed current and historical data covering financial, operational, price and analyst information for stocks, ETFs and funds listed on the major North American exchanges. With Stock Rover you can find, compare, analyze and track performance for individual stocks, funds and ETFs. You can screen stocks and ETFs to find and rank promising investment candidates based on any investment criteria you like.
Stock Rover has an unmatched screening capabilities
You can screen stocks and ETFs to find and rank promising investment candidates based on any investment criteria you like. You can screen on over 500 different metrics. Screening can be performed using current and/or historical data. You can write custom equations in screeners for more advanced screening criteria and you can rank the results based the importance of each screening metric to you.
Stock Rover can track and analyze your portfolios
Portfolios can be manually entered, imported from spreadsheets or automatically synced with no work on your part via our brokerage connection facility. Once portfolios are established, Stock Rover keep tabs on your portfolio with detailed performance information, email performance reports, in-depth portfolio analysis tools, correlation tools, trade planning and re-balancing facilities and future simulation modelling. In addition to portfolios, Stock Rover can provide the same performance information for Watchlists, which are lists of tickers you are interested in tracking.
Stock Rover has in-depth Research Reports on over 7000 companies
Stock Rover produces comprehensive, detailed, up-to-the-minute research reports on over 7000 North American companies. Research Reports can be viewed interactively in your browser or generated in PDF format. A sample research report can be viewed here.
Stock Rover provides proprietary scores and ratings
Ratings and scores evaluate stocks in a number of different dimensions (growth, profitability, financial strength, valuation, momentum and more) for over 7000 stocks that trade on the North American exchanges, making it easy to hone in on the investment opportunities that match your investing style.
Stock Rover can warn you of issues of concern in a stock
Stock Rover has an Investor Warnings Facility designed to makes investors aware of certain characteristics of a given stock that makes it riskier and less desirable from an investment standpoint. The Warnings Facility is especially adept at finding things that are hard to notice or would require a lot of manual work to figure out.
There are many additional capabilities that are a part of Stock Rover
Stock Rover also includes a comprehensive real time alerting facility. Additional capabilities include a future portfolio dividend tool, comprehensive market information, market and stock news, a highly visual and powerful earnings calendar, investment articles, an investment ideas panel and an investor library stocked with easy to import resources such as screeners, additional metrics, guru portfolios and investment views to extend the capabilities Stock Rover for you.
To learn more…
To learn more, we recommend that you simply spend some time with Stock Rover. Try things out and explore the product’s capabilities. The help resources that follow explain each of the various components of Stock Rover and how they operate.
There is an introductory video that demonstrate the features of Stock Rover in action. The video can be viewed here.
For further inspiration, please see our blog which contains many articles highlighting key product features and as well as a variety of investment articles.
Finally, if you have questions, feel free to contact our support group. They are ready, willing and able to help you get the most out of Stock Rover.
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