You can find data from financial statements in the Statements tab of the insight panel. Click either Summary, Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash flow or Filings to change the statement. The CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) column can be found in all the Statement options except for Filings. This metric is a measure of annualized growth across multiple time periods.
In the screenshot below, the items circled below displays all the different view options. These options give you the ability to change the time period, change the order of the report dates, change the dollar amount between millions ($M) and thousands ($K), change between view the data by % or $ or Δ, where Δ is the change from the previous period, and export or print. The double arrow icon allows you to automatically fit all of your columns into the window.
The Time Period pull down highlighted below allows you to choose from Yearly, Quarterly, or Qtr vs Qtr. Qtr vs Qtr allows you to compare Q1, Q2, Q3, or Q4 for 5 years or 10 years depending on the plan you have.
Filings provides access to the SEC Filings. Here there is access to Annual, Quarterly, or Other Filings. The reports can be sorted by name or date. Clicking on any of the reports will take you straight to the filing from the SEC’s EDGAR system.