
You can find Analyst Ratings in this tab. The Ratings section aggregates the buy/sell/hold ratings given to stocks by equity research firms. As you can see in the screenshot example below, the information is formatted to give you a clear idea of the overall analyst sentiment, or Consensus Analyst Rating, as well as the distribution of the ratings. The table in this section displays the ratings over the past 3 months so you can see whether analysts have changed their ratings. The chart at the bottom shows the range of the analysts’ target price estimates, including the lowest, highest, mean, and median estimates.


You can click on the Ratings Detail link to view a list of the individual analysts that are following a specific stock, including their ratings and price target history.


You can also find analyst estimates on earnings and revenue, as well as EPS trends and revisions, in this tab. Estimates are available for the current and next quarters, as well as the current and next years. (See screenshot below)


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