Chartable: No
Unit: Number
The average number of shares traded per day over the past 3 months.
Unit: Text
The Business Type field shows when the stock has a special business structure, including BDC (business development company), REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust), LP (Limited Partnership), LLC (Limited Liability Corporation), and SPAC (Special Purpose Aquisition Company).
Unit: Comments
You can set one line comments for any ticker to make quick notes that will show in the table.
Unit: Name
The full name of the company.
The country in which a company is incorporated.
Unit: Currency
The currency used by the stock’s exchange. Financial statement metrics are converted into this currency if the company operates in a different country than the exchange.
Unit: Days
The number of calendar days until the next scheduled earnings announcement.
The number of times per year a dividend will be paid.
Unit: Calendar Date
The payment date of the last dividend.
The cut-off date established by a company in order to determine which shareholders are eligible to receive a dividend or distribution
Chartable: Yes
The number of direct employees.
Unit: Millions of Dollars
A measure of what the market believes a company’s ongoing operations are worth, also called EV. This is calculated as market cap plus debt, minority interest and preferred shares, minus total cash and cash equivalents.This metric is updated live when markets are open.
The general type of the equity such as Stock, Fund, Bond, etc.
The stock exchange where the equity is traded such as NYSE, NASDAQ, Toronto etc.
The value of this share’s trading currency relative to USD.
The first date following the declaration of a dividend on which the buyer of a stock is not entitled to receive the next dividend payment.
The industry in which the company operates. On average, there are 10 industries per Sector.
The industry group to which the company industry belongs. On average, there are 7 groups per Sector.
Unit: Percentage
Insider Ownership refers to the ownership stake in a company that is held by company insiders with access to sensitive information.
Institutional Ownership refers to the ownership stake in a company that is held by large financial organizations, pension funds or endowments.
The date of the stock’s Initial Public Offering.
The end date of the most recent fiscal quarter for which GAAP compliant results have been published.
The end date of the most recent quarter for which preliminary results have been published. This value is blank after GAAP compliant results are published for the same period.
The end date of the most recent quarter for which any earnings results have been published. For many companies full GAAP compliant financials lag behind this date.
The date of the last earnings announcement.
Market capitalization is a measurement of the size of a company, interpreted as the market’s total valuation of the company in US Dollars, obtained by multiplying the number of shares outstanding by the current price per share.For Funds this metric reports the Net Assets.This metric is updated live when markets are open.
Market capitalization is a measurement of the size of a company, interpreted as the market’s total valuation of the company in the currency of its exchange, obtained by multiplying the number of shares outstanding by the current price per share.For Funds this metric reports the Net Assets.This metric is updated live when markets are open.
Unit: Index Name
Indicates each index which this stock belongs to, specifically the DOW, S&P 100, S&P 500, and Nasdaq 100 indices.
Unit: Date
The expected report date for the next fiscal quarter’s earnings.
Unit: Notes
You can set multiple time stamped notes for any ticker. These notes can be viewed and modified in the table.
The numeric position of the row in the table.
The broad business sector in which the company operates.
The percentage of the company’s publicly traded shares that have been shorted. Reporting delays for this column may be as long as a month.
The style box score for the ticker. The style box score is encoded such that Large Cap holdings will score 1 for Value, 2 for Blend and 3 for Growth. Mid Cap holdings will score 4 for Value, 5 for Blend and 6 for Growth. Small Cap holdings will score 7 for Value, 8 for Blend and 9 for Growth.
Unit: Tag
Specify a keyword in the tag column to create a custom grouping.
Each symbol can have one tag and tags are created via the right-click row menu or the ticker cell menu.
You can modify these tags or even save tagged symbols as a portfolio in the Manage Tags window. To open this window, right-click the Tag column header, or right-click a row in the table and select Tag -> Manage Tags.
Unit: Years
The number of years of financial statement history in the Stock Rover database for this company.