New Portfolios – January 2025
Keeping Track of your Portfolios in Stock Rover
Managing Manual Portfolios
Managing Portfolios Via Brokerage Integration
Currency Conversion in Stock Rover
Introducing Future Simulations
How Correlation Helps You Make Better Investment Decisions
Introducing Stock Rover V8 – Part II
New Features in Stock Rover
Stock Rover Future Income Tool
Can you correlate stocks?
Is there an audit trail of trades per portfolio?
How do I move a portfolio from My Portfolios to My Watchlists? I can’t seem to drag and drop.
Why does the Holdings tab show holdings that I no longer own?
Do the returns in Portfolio Analysis assume dividend reinvestment?
Why are there differences in returns data in the main Table vs. Portfolio Analysis?
Can I see total return including dividends but not reinvested?
Does charting a portfolio assume dividend reinvestment?
Why are my portfolio returns different in the Table versus in the Chart?
Is it possible to see portfolio position sizes in percentage terms?
Stock Rover helps you keep tabs on your portfolio in a myriad of ways. Key portfolio features include optional brokerage integration, in-depth portfolio analysis tools, automatically emailed performance reports, future dividend income projection, Monte Carlo simulation tools for future performance, correlation tools, trade planning, and a re-balancing facility. There is also a comprehensive alerting facility so you can find out ASAP when something happens that you need to know.
Understanding how your portfolio is performing on an absolute basis and relative to a benchmark is critical in making investment decisions and for prudent portfolio management. This capability is an integral part of the Stock Rover Investment platform. For example, below you can clearly see the performance of your portfolios vs. the S&P 500 benchmark both in tabular form and graphically.
Importing your portfolios into Stock Rover is fast, easy and secure with our brokerage integration facility. Brokerage integration is so popular that in aggregate we are tracking many thousands of portfolios with billions of dollars in assets for our users.
Portfolio positions can also be entered manually or with a spreadsheet import and we have a partnership with Interactive Brokers as an alternative. For most users our brokerage connection facility will be the easiest way to sync your accounts with Stock Rover.
These are just a few of the 1000+ supported brokerages.
You can also request to receive daily, weekly and or monthly reports on your portfolio and/or your watchlists via email. The report will also include any stocks that you have set target buy or sell target prices that have reached those targets. A sample email report is shown below.
You can get detailed portfolio analytics from Stock Rover for any time period you choose, including risk adjusted return, volatility, beta, personal rate of return (IRR), Sharpe Ratio, component performance and much more.
You can also get detailed analysis of how the individual positions in your portfolio are contributing to overall portfolio return. You can easily see which positions in your portfolio are punching above their weight and which positions are hindering performance.
Future Income is a tool that projects your future portfolio dividend income forward from the current date on a monthly basis. You can select any combination of your portfolios to include in the calculation. The monthly income is computed from the individual stocks, ETFs and mutual funds you own in the selected portfolios. The Future Income tool can display dividend income at the summary, portfolio and individual holdings levels.
Have you ever wondered how your trades have performed? Were the trades a stroke of genius? Or would I have I just been better off, not doing anything? Or perhaps doing an alternate set of trades?
The Trade Evaluator will analyze your trades and tell you in detail, whether your trades added or subtracted from your performance, incorporating both the trade itself and dividends gained or lost. Trades are measured both on an absolute basis and can also be measured against a selected benchmark.
Our Future Portfolio Performance Simulation facility uses the Monte Carlo simulation technique to test long term expected portfolio growth under a myriad of scenarios, including portfolio survival based on regulars planned withdrawals. For example, the simulations can show you the odds that you can comfortably retire without going bankrupt. If you are interested in Future Simulations, you may want to check out our blog entry which explains the facility in more detail.
Correlation analysis is a great tool for diversifying your portfolio—weakly correlated assets provide the only “free lunch” in investing. Stock Rover provides the ability to determine the correlations between stocks, ETFs, indices, and even portfolios and watchlists over any date range. Below is an example of a correlation analysis for a portfolio, If you are interested in correlation, you may want to check out our blog entry on why correlation matters.
Our Portfolio Rebalancing facility helps you define the desired balance for each of your portfolios at the sector and individual position level. You can monitor the drift that occurs from ideal balance over time. And when the drift exceeds your threshold, Stock Rover generate the list of trades you need to make to bring you portfolio back into balance. Learn more about portfolio rebalancing here.
Our Trade Planning facility allows you to test potential trades in your portfolio. You can compare your portfolio with the proposed trades vs. your current portfolio across many key risk, performance and sector balance metrics. The Trade Planning facility allows you to see the full implications of your trades across a wide spectrum of factors.
In addition to performance, and risk, you can see things like the aggregate growth rate, aggregate Price/Earnings, Price/Book and Price/Sales as well as dividends and yield. The Trade Planning facility allows you to quickly see if your trade ideas move you closer or further from your investment goals before you make the trades.
With both Rebalancing and Trade Planning, you can compare key portfolio metrics between the real and the proposed portfolio in key areas such as historical return, maximum drawdown, risk adjusted return, and the Sharpe ratio.
Markets move fast. When something happens that you need to know, Stock Rover can alert you in real time via text message and/or email. Alerts can be both at the ticker level and the portfolio / watchlist level. The list of triggers for alerts is comprehensive. You can get alerted on anything from a percentage change in a stock that exceeds a threshold, key price levels being reached and unusual trading volume, to events like target P/E levels being reached or an upcoming earnings announcement.