We have created an updated set of portfolios that are based on some of Stock Rover’s most popular screeners. You can import any of the portfolios that interest you into your Stock Rover account via the Stock Rover Investors Library. This will allow you to see each of the stocks that passed the associated screener and track their performance.
The portfolios can be used to test performance as we go forward in time. This in turn can give us an idea of which screeners are performing well in the current market environment and which ones are performing poorly.
The methodology I used was to run 15 separate popular Stock Rover screeners on January 1st, 2025. Each screener generated its own unique list of passing tickers. The passing tickers were in turn used to generate 15 separate portfolios, each based on a specific screener.
Each portfolio had a differing number of stocks, based on the number of stocks that passed the screener. However, all portfolios were constructed so each passing stock was equally weighted within the portfolio, with each stock getting an allocation of $100,000 of virtual capital within the portfolio.
The 15 screeners that were tested were as follows:
All of these screeners are provided by default when you first create your Stock Rover account. If you have been a Stock Rover member for a long time, the screeners in your account may not match this list, but all of the above screeners are available from the Library and any of them can be imported into your account.
By using the Stock Rover Screener Manager, the detailed descriptions for the screeners can be found in the description within the screener itself. And the screener criteria can be viewed from within the Screener Manager when the screener is selected.
An example using the Strong Buys screener is shown below.
Each of the 15 portfolios created from the screeners is named in a consistent fashion in the format BT – screener name 2025, where screener name is the name of the associated screener. BT is an abbreviation for Back Test.
For example the portfolio associated with the Dividend Growth screener is named BT – Dividend Growth 2025.
All of the portfolios created for the backtest exercise are available for import from the Stock Rover Library.
The following table lists the number of stocks that passed each of the 15 screeners when they were run.
You will notice that the number of stocks in a given portfolio vary from 8 (Small Cap Growth Screener) to 236 (Strong Buys Screener). This dispersion can dramatically impact both the performance and the risk reward profile of a screener. Generally the more stocks in a portfolio, the smaller the performance variation and the lower the volatility. Or in other words, portfolios with fewer stocks will inherently have a higher risk/reward profile.
The new portfolios that have been added to the Stock Rover Investors Library can give you a great head start to find some interesting investment candidates in 2025, as each of the portfolios is based on a popular screener in Stock Rover.
The new portfolio can also indicate which screeners are performing well in the current market environment and which screeners are not.
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